Raspberry Love

Growing up, my next-door neighbour had tons of raspberry bushes growing all along our property line. Often, we'd walk in to our kitchen to find a big container of raspberries sitting on our table. Every time my neighbour picked for himself, he'd pick some of us too, and quietly step in and leave them on the table. He was a kind quiet soul...and he grew the most amazing raspberries!

As part of the Summer Of My Youth Link-Up, I thought I'd share my two favourite raspberry recipes, and two I'm dying to try soon:

from Nicole at Or Whatever You Do

from Annette Daffin via My Recipe Magic

Check out the link-up for other fun things bloggers are doing to revisit the fun of their childhood summers!


  1. I grew up in the 70's with a fair bit of Tang and Kool Aid in the fridge - I shiver at the thought of the chemicals :) One of our more popular or should I say frequent desserts was Jello with bananas or fruit cocktail inside. Will any of those be making an appearance in the summer of your youth? ;)

    1. To be honest, I can't hack Jello. I think it's a texture thing, or maybe because my Mom would make it when we were sick. I can take one for the team when Jello shots appear at a bachelorette party, but that's about as far as I can go. HA! (But I drank a helluva lot of Tang in my day!)