Yummy Sides

On a cooking board that I read, people were talking about their favourite sides to have with steak...which totally made me want to put some steak on the grill! These are a couple of my favourite sides with steak.

Roasted Veggies
Chop a variety of veggies into chunks. This time, I used sweet potatoes, new red and white potatoes, green pepper, red pepper, and onion. Toss with olive oil, fresh basil, and some coarse salt. Wrap in tin foil to cook over grill, or use grill basket.

Maple Beans
Blanch beans for 3 minutes in boiling water. Toast sliced almonds in fry pan. Add blanched beans to almonds and drizzle with some maple syrup. Stir to coat and allow to cook for 3-4 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. maple green beans?! I've never tried that, I'll have to remember it!
